Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of October 24, 2022 (see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

Best Time and Days to Buy and Book Holiday Travel

14 Grocery Items Expected to Be in Short Supply


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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Carnation Breakfast: Where's the Promised Protein?

mouse print Protein claims on product labels are plentiful these days, but what they display on the front of the package is not always what you assume it to be. Carnation Breakfast is a case in point. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Some Online Sellers Now Charge a Return Fee

return fees You can kiss some of those free return policies goodbye, according to Business Insider. As shoppers return more and more items they have ordered online, some stores are imposing return fees up to $8 to help offset their costs of shipping (and to discourage you from overbuying). See which online retailers are embracing this new tactic. You can avoid these fees by returning unwanted merchandise to the retailer's brick and mortar location.


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Are You Owed Money From a Class Action Settlement?

money Every year millions of dollars go unclaimed by consumers who might have qualified for their share of settlement money won in class action lawsuits. Here is a list of cases against companies with whom you may have done business who may owe you money. Some cases include those against British Airways, Coppertone, Fairlife milk, whole or cut-up raw chicken, Keurig, T-Mobile, LeafFilter, Whirlpool refrigerators with bottom freezer, and many more.

Consumer Alert

First There Was Greenwashing, Now There's Pinkwashing

Greenwashing is when companies make false or misleading environmental claims. Now, during breast cancer awareness month, the BBB is warning about "pinkwashing" when companies use the pink ribbon on products or services designed to give the impression they are donating to the cause when that might not be true. Here's how to double-check the implied claim.

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Bargain of the Week

Boorito is Back at Chipotle for Halloween

This Halloween (Oct. 31) is the first time since 2019 that Chipotle Rewards members who dress in a costume after 3pm can get a discounted burrito or other entree at participating Chipotle locations. This year's "boorito" price is $6 -- higher than ever before. But, that is still roughly $3-$6 less than regular price. Extras cost extra, including guacamole.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Refrigerator Reliability Going Downhill

Consumer Reports provided some scary statistics this summer after hearing from subscribers about problems with their refrigerators. Almost half of French-door and side-by-side models break down during the first five years of ownership. Individual ratings only available to C/R subscribers.

More from Consumer Reports
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