TWITTER Week of October 17, 2022 (see last week)
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Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- Thanks for Nothing - Fall 2022
We continue our series of little annoyances about ads, offers, and practices that are often real head-scratchers, might make you grind your teeth, or even chuckle.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Most Stolen Cars State by State
The National Insurance Crime Bureau came out with its annual report this summer of the most stolen cars in America. While Chevrolet and Ford pick-up trucks top the national list, when you look state by state, various Honda cars are at or near the top of the list. The worse news is that even if you report the theft of your car within the first 24 hours of its disappearance, the odds are only one in three of getting it back.
Updated daily
50 Best Places to Live in the U.S.
Money magazine just came out with its 50 best places to live in America. They looked at: economic opportunities, quality of life, diversity, and where the best futures lie. Toppnig the list this year are Atlanta, Georgia; Tempe, Arizona; and Kirkland, Washington.
Consumer Alert
Beware Check Washing Fraud
Everything old is new again. Years ago, crooks were "washing" checks that they stole, removing the handwritten payee and amount with chemicals, and then altering those fields. Well, it is happening again according to this video report. The old advice, which probably is still good, is to write checks using gel ink pens rather than a regular ballpoint pen. And do check your bank statements and pictures of canceled checks regularly.
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Consumer News
Bargain of the Week
Free "Actual Veggies" Veggie Burgers After Online Rebate
Buy a package of thick cut Actual Veggies brand burgers (two in a pack) and get a rebate via PayPal or Venmo for up to $7.99. You have to provide a cellphone number and follow the process of texting a picture of your receipt. Use the store finder to see if stores in your area carry this product. Offer ends October 22 (or may vary based on the date you first text the company). Unlike other so-called veggie burgers, these quarter pound patties contain a lot of real vegetables.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Your Smart TV is Watching You
Smart TVs collect data on what you are watching as long as they are connected to the Internet. This guide from Consumer Reports tells you for various brands of TVs how to stop some of the snooping.
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