Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of October 10, 2022 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Melt: Is It Really Butter?

mouse print For decades, margarines often claim that they taste like butter. Now some of them are actually using "butter" in the name of their products when they don't contain any real butter. You "butter" beware. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Cheapest/Priciest States to Live In

home Taking into account the cost of living, including housing, health care, utilities, transportation, food, and more, here is a list of the states from cheapest to most expensive to live in. How does your state rank?


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Greenwashing: Companies Making False Environmental Claims

greenwashing Whem companies make false environmental claims that's called "greenwashing." Here is a list compiled by Truth in Advertising of companies accused of making misleading environmental claims about their products and services.

Consumer Milestone

CBC Marketplace Celebrates 50 Years

The premier consumer television show in Canada is CBC Marketplace. Think of it as a combination of Mike Wallace ambush interviews, the early years of Dateline hidden camera investigations, and Fight Back! with David Horowitz. Last Friday, the program celebrated its 50 years on TV with a 45-minute special. The above excerpt will give you a good idea of the type of issues they cover.

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Bargain of the Week

Amazon Prime Early Access Sale -- Buy $50 in Gift Cards, Get $10 Promotional Credit

Amazon is having a big "early access" sale for Prime members only on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 11-12. If you buy $50 of select gift cards, you will get a 10 dollar promotional credit to your account. One per Prime member. Promotional credit does have an expiration date, gift cards do not. NOTE: There is NO information on the website about this offer until it goes live. ++

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Quick Privacy Fixes to Help Protect Your Data

Keeping up with digital privacy and security is a bit like getting regular oil changes for your car. It's maintenance to safeguard your online life. Here are some small steps you can take pretty easily and quickly.

More from Consumer Reports
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