Mouse Print* -- More Groceries Hit by "Skimpflation" - Part 2
We wrap up our short series on "skimpflation" this week by spotlighting two more grocery items where the manufacturers reformulated the composition of their products, quietly reducing some of the more expensive components.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
13 Things Frugal People Never Do
There is an old consumer saying: "Watch your nickels and dimes and the dollars will take care of themselves." As such, MrConsumer evaluates every purchase and strives to "never pay full price." Here are a dozen other things that frugal people rarely do.
According to Google Flights, flying on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays is 12% cheaper than flying on weekends. And contrary to most published travel articles, there is nothing magical about buying your ticket on a Tuesday.
Consumer Insight
There's a Medical Reason Why Seniors Are More Susceptible to Scams
This is one of the most remarkable insights into why seniors are more vulnerable to scams than younger people. Scientists have discovered that parts of the brain that recognize untrustworthiness don't function as well in older people. Watch this amazing Dan Rather report from 2013. (You can stop watching this segment at the 10-minute mark.)
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Free Electronics Recycling Week at Staples + $5 Credit
This week, Staples is holding a big electronics recycling event (see list at bottom of this link of eligible items). You will be entitled to ONE $5 Staples reward credit when you bring in up to seven items. Warning: The $5 rewards credit will post to your rewards account in approximately 4-6 weeks. (Stupid, stupid, stupid... they should issue a $5 coupon right then and there as they used to.)
After the Hurricane, Beware of a Flood of Flooded Cars
With so many cars getting flooded in the hurricane, you better watch out if buying a used car in the near future. Here are tips from Consumer Reports on how to spot a flood-damaged car.
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