Consumer World

Week of July 22, 2024
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Consumer News Quickies

How Grocery Prices Have Changed in 2024

Amazon Prime Day Is Mostly a Good Deal for Amazon, Not You

17 Things in Your Checked Baggage That Can Trigger TSA Scrutiny


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Top Stories

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print*-- This Coppertone Sunscreen Is Not So Special

mouse print A consumer bought some pricey Coppertone sunscreen specifically marketed to be used on the face. She later learned the product was no different from their regular variety but it was twice the price. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Has Your Password Been Leaked? Is Your Info on the Dark Web? How Strong Is Your Password?

scammer It seems like it has become an almost daily occurrence that there is some huge data breach somewhere. If you have a relatively unique password and want to see if it has been compromised -- meaning it had been part of a breach and leaked -- check this database of 33 billion exposed passwords. And now Google will notify you if your information winds up on the "dark web" in the hands of data thieves. Here's how to use that free service. Use this link to see how long it would take crooks to figure out your password. And, this story suggests that adding "-7" to your password makes it very hard to figure out! [Note: each link is a separate story.]


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Car Dealer Insider Shares Tricks of the Trade

car dealer Jase Patrick went from getting snookered buying his first vehicle as a teenager, to selling cars, to heading his own financing and insurance company. Along the way he learned and now shares all the tricks of the trade to make sure others don't fall into various car selling and financing traps.

Consumer Insights

How Accurate Are Pet DNA Tests?

With the popularity of sites like where you can send a swab of your DNA for testing to learn about your heritage and health, it wasn't too long before companies offered to do the same thing for pets. To test these companies, a Boston TV reporter swabbed her own mouth and sent it for analysis to three pet DNA analyzers. You won't believe the outcome.

PAYWALL Note: We try to feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked reading a Wall Street Journal story, get a free, renewable 3-day PASS. And if you hit the New York Times paywall, here is a three-day pass you can sign up for. For other blocked stories try a different browser and clear cookies of that site from it. Some newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

Low-Priced School Supplies

Believe it or not, stores started their back to school sales a month ago. But, there are still bargains to be had at Staples, Target and other stores. You'll find 25 cent crayons and school glue (Target), 35-cent spiral notebooks (Staples), 99-cent filler paper and pencils (Target), and 77 items under a dollar at Walmart.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

10 Worst Electric Cars for Reliability

If you are considering buying a used electric car, these 10 vehicles according to Consumer Reports readers are less reliable than average and are on their "avoid" list.

More from Consumer Reports
Updated daily; Most stories free; Ratings not free

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