Consumer World

Week of July 15, 2024
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Consumer News Quickies

List of Supermarkets to Be Sold Off If Kroger and Albertsons Merge

Stamps Go Up to 73 Cents


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Top Stories

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print*-- Can You Really Make Remote Satellite Calls on AT&T?

mouse print AT&T had a hard week last week, announcing a breach of its call and text logs for all its 110 million customers. And the BBB ruled against the company for its implied claim in a TV commercial that customers in remote locations can use satellites to make urgent calls. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Latest Nutrition Wisdom From the NY Times

nutritious food Here are 10 of the latest nutrition tips you should know about. {NOTE: This story is supposed to be free for eveyone to read based on the 10 free stories subscribers can share each month. There is no alternate link if you hit the paywall. You can sign up for a free 72-hour NYT pass here.]For example, the old advice that drinking a glass of red wine a day was good for your heart is no longer what the latest science says.


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25 Thrifty Practices of Real Shoppers

piggybank Experts make lists of how to save money all the time, but these tips come from real shoppers who say these are the things they do that have meant the most savings for them.

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Consumer Insights

Why Do Credit Card Credits for Returned Goods Take So Long to Post?

We've all experienced it. You buy an item on your credit card, and by the time you get home, it is already on your credit card bill. But when you return an item, the credit takes days and days. Jeff Rossen explains why.

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Bargain of the Week

Amazon Prime Day(s) - Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday and Wednesday, July 16 and 17, are Amazon Prime Days with the lowest prices of the season on select items. Many specially discounted prices do not require a Prime membership, while others do. ++

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

60 Used Cars to Avoid Buying

Every year Consumer Reports surveys their readers about products and services they own or use. Based on their responses this year, Consumer Reports lists the 60 cars, SUVs, and trucks to steer clear of.

More from Consumer Reports
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