Consumer World

Week of February 13, 2023
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Mouse Print* -- Beware Misleading Valentine's Candy Boxes

Valentine chocolate If you are given one of the large heart-shaped boxes of chocolate for Valentine's Day, you might be in for a surprise. We've discovered that some big brand boxes are only half-filled. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Dark Patterns on Websites Can Trick You; List of Worst Offenders

scams "Dark patterns" is the new-fangled name for unfair or deceptive design elements on websites to trick you into buying. Here is a list of the most common dark patterns and the online companies that seem to engage in them the most.


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Walgreens Charged Her Sales Tax in Error Repeatedly and She Is Fighting Back

cash register Mary Bach has been a consumer advocate for decades in Pennsylvania. When Walgreens repeatedly charged her sales tax on toilet paper that is (oddly) not taxable in her state, she took them to court and won. But they continued to overcharge customers, and now she's going back to court.

Consumer Investigation

For Some Quick Cash, Homeowners Signed Away Some Rights

Homeowners in a number of states say they were tricked into accepting relatively small amounts of cash in exchange for promising to use a particular realty company to sell their home if and when the time came. Little did they realize the listing agreement was for 40 years and a lien would be put on their home to enforce it. Consumer agencies have now taken action against the company.

NOTE: We only feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked, try a different browser and clear NYT cookies from it. Other newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

Dozen Roses - from $9.99

While they last, if you have an Aldi store near you, their short-stem roses are $9.99 a dozen. Lidl, Aldi's competitor, is charging $11.99 for some colors, $14.99 for red, and $15.99 for long stem roses. Trader Joe's is charging $14.99 for short roses, and Target is selling them for $19.99. Get two dozen at: Costco for around $18-$20 possibly and at Whole Foods (Prime Members only) for $24.99.

Get Up to $75 of Restaurant Food Free

This is a VERY COMPLICATED but sensational offer for inKind -- a restaurant payment system. You basically buy credit in the inKind app, and then use it at participating restaurants to pay your bill on the smartphone app. There are only 500 restaurants in their system, so enter your city and state in the "explore locations" section of their website to see if any are of interest and near you. Secondly, you need to have an American Express credit card (but not all cards qualify). If all that is a go, then proceed:

Step 1: Check for and load the AMEX offer for inKind in the offers section of the American Express website on the bottom half of the page after you login. There are 100 offers there. This one was set to expire the end of February, but appears to be extended into May. If your card was not issued directly by AMEX, such as via a bank instead, use this link to search for and load the offer on that card. Don't try to double-dip if you have two AMEX cards.

Step 2: Get and install the inKind app using this referral link. This will give you and me an extra $25 credit when you make an in-restaurant food purchase of $50 or more using the inKind app for payment.

Step 3: Use the special American Express offer link to buy $50 of credit at inKind using the same login credentials you created in Step 2 and your enrolled AMEX card.

Step 4: You should now have $50 of inKind credit that you just bought and a $25 bonus (good on a $50 restaurant meal purchase), for a total of $75 in purchasing power at their restaurants.

Step 5: Within a few days, AMEX should give you a credit card credit for $50. So now you will have a total of $75 of free money.

Step 6: Go to one of their restaurants, order your food there and enjoy. Note: You must pay for your meal at the restaurant's location via the app. Do not use online ordering for pickup, delivery services or other third party payment systems.

Remember, to be able to use the extra $25 credit that appears in your account, your restaurant bill must be $50 or more. Apparently you will be prompted to apply the $25 off $50 credit in the app during the payment process. If your bill exceeds your inKind balance, your AMEX card will be charged the difference. ++

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Varying Levels of Mercury Found in Canned Tuna Fish

Consumer Reports tested five popular brands of canned tuna for mercury: Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea, StarKist, Safe Catch, and Wild Planet. They found a wide range in mercury levels between types of tuna as well as among different brands.

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