Consumer World

Week of February 6, 2023
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Consumer World Exclusive

Beware Misleading Valentine's Candy Boxes

Valentine chocolate With the help of an outraged reader, Consumer World reports on two major brands of Valentine's Day chocolates in specific heart-shaped boxes that are only half-filled.

Mouse Print* -- Some Supplements Mislead Buyers on Dosing and Strength

mouse print If you picked up a bottle of vitamin C pills that said 500 mg. on the label, you would expect that dosage to be in each pill. But, a reader who recently purchased some calcium capsules says she was hoodwinked by the company and did not get what she expected. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Energy/Climate Tax Credits/Rebates for 2023

electric As part of the new Inflation Reduction Act, many American consumers are now eligible to save thousands of dollars when they buy an electric car, heat pump, solar panels or energy-efficient appliances. Be warned, however, the rebates will not be available until later in the year.


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How UnitedHealthCare Tried to Save Money at a Patient's Expense

health insurance In a VERY long investigative piece, ProPublica examines the actions of UnitedHealthCare in denying coverage for two biologic drugs to a chronically ill college student who suffered unimaginable symptoms and quality of life issues for years. It wasn't until a brilliant Mayo clinic specialist hit upon a solution that he got some real relief. But when UnitedHealthCare was tired of paying over $1-million a year for his treatments, they put this poor kid and his parents through hell. They even tried to bury a report from one of the doctors it hired that wholely supported the drug regimen the kid was on.

Undercover Investigation

British Gas Co. Breaks Into Homes to Install Prepaid Meters for Delinquent Customers

British Gas, a major natural gas company in the UK, goes to court when customers don't pay their bills, and gets an order authorizing their debt collectors to break into customers' home to install prepaid gas meters that shut off the gas if the customer does not pay. Above is undercover video from The Times (of London) [print version of story] showing how this outrageous tactic works.

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Bargain of the Week

Buy 18-pk or Larger of Bud Light, Get up to $25 Rebate

To celebrate the upcoming Super Bowl, if you buy an 18-pack or larger of Bud Light beer, the company will send you up to a $25 rebate via prepaid card. Purchase must be made by February 12. Valid in 30 states and the offer varies slightly depending on your location. Read all the fine print! You will need to upload a picture of your UPC and your receipt online. Some sharp shoppers are able to buy a 30-pack for just under $25 and thus can benefit even more.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Eggsplanation of Egg Carton Terminology

Consumer Reports explains the difference between both helpful and misleading claims on egg cartons like "cage-free," "free range," and "no hormones."

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