Week of January 30, 2023
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Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- Fireball Cinnamon Not What It Appears
The maker of a popular brand of whiskey is facing a class action lawsuit over a lookalike product that it also sells that is missing a key ingredient -- the whiskey. But the label may mislead you into believing that it has it.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Freshness Guide for Popular Foods
The NY Times offers this guide to freshness dating/expiration dates on major kitchen staples. The "best if used by" dates on products are a guide to quality, and not that the product needs to be disposed of after that date.
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How to Get a Refund on a Nonrefundable Airline Ticket
Just because your airline ticket says it is not refundable, that doesn't make it so in all circumstances. Here are 10 exceptions to the rule.
Which is Cheaper: Electric or Gas Heat?
The cost to heat your home this winter has skyrocketed whether you use gas, electric, or oil. While prices vary widely regionally, see which is less expensive: gas or electric heat.
Consumer Alert
Beware Scams Using Fake Shark Tank Endorsements
The stars of ABC's Shark Tank are warning viewers about scam advertisements claiming the sharks have endorsed their product or that the product was seen on the program but never really was. Mark Cuban is now asking the FTC to go after these crooks. Here is a list of all the products that have actually been on the show.
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Consumer News
Bargain of the Week
Get a Free Simple Will
Many Americans die without a will which creates a hassle for those left behind. Consumer Reports has partnered with a website called FreeWill that helps you create a simple will for free. The site encourages you to donate money to charities as part of your legacy (and that is how the site makes money). For more complex financial situations, you can get started in FreeWill and then see a lawyer.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Healing Foods for Common Health Woes
Consumer Reports says that some foods have healing characteristics so you can reach for the refrigerator instead of the medicine cabinet for some things.
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