Mouse Print* -- Skimpflation Hits the Medicine Counter: Cough Syrup Strength Cut in Half
If you haven't checked the dosing instructions on your "Tussin DM" store brand cough syrup lately... surprise! Major store brands are finally catching up to the change that Robitussin made several years ago. They are cutting the active ingredients in half, thus requiring you to take twice as much as previously.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Consumer World Original
Return Policy Rules Changes This Year
Our new survey of a dozen top retailers' return policies has just been released. Most stores continue to have extended holiday return periods into January so there is no need to wait in those long lines the day after Christmas. Contrary to various media reports, none of the mass merchandisers and retail chains in our survey imposed new or increased fees to return online purchases by mail.
Final 2 Weeks Please Help Support Consumer World
For 27 years, Consumer World has served readers with the latest consumer news, money-saving tips, and independent investigations. It is your generosity (and not advertising alone nor corporate support) that keeps this site and Mouse Print* available as free consumer resources. So MrConsumer turns to you and humbly asks for your support again this year. Your gift will be most appreciated.
Growing up as a kid in New York, MrConsumer would always get a "frozen face" feeling after eating Chinese food. Soon he learned that that problem came from the MSG in the food. Now decades later, and after years of testing, experts are questioning whether MSG has been given a bad rap.
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Uncle Sam is giving away another four rapid antigen COVID-19 tests for free at . And remember, some expiration dates on previously distributed tests have been extended. See that information when you clickthrough.
Get a Free Year of Grubhub+ Free Deliveries
Amazon Prime members qualify for a free year of Grubhub+ (normally $9.99/mo) for no delivery fees on qualifying food orders $12+ before fees/taxes. Be sure to cancel auto-renewal before the year is up.
An investigation by Consumer Reports found potentially dangerous levels of lead and cadmium in some popular (and sometimes fancy) brands of dark chocolate. See which ones are affected.
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