MrConsumer got bad news last week in an email that said that his accumulated Choice Hotel points were going to expire on January 1. So he called the company to try to cash them in. What a kind Choice customer service agent did will surprise you. And no, she didn't extend the expiration date.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Senior Living Communities Ranked
J.D. Power questioned nearly 5,000 residents of senior living communities to determine their satisfaction with community buildings and grounds; community staff; dining; price paid for services received; resident activities; and the resident's apartment/living unit. They ranked the big name developments in two categories: independent living and assisted/memory care.
Please Help Support Consumer World
For 25 years, Consumer World has served readers with the latest consumer news, money-saving tips, and independent investigations. It is your generosity (and not advertising nor corporate contributions) that keeps this site and Mouse Print* available as free consumer resources. So MrConsumer turns to you and humbly asks for your support again this year. Your gift will be most appreciated.
Updated daily
A Pasta Snob Rates 10 Supermarket Tomato Sauces
MrConsumer makes his own spaghetti sauce from a can of crushed tomatoes. But many people buy ready-made bottled sauces. A writer (who offers no credentials other than he's an Italian-American guy) tried 10 supermarket tomato sauces and ranked them from worst to best. (Even the best one only got a B+, however.)
Consumer Humor
Cutting the High Cost of a Trim
For the last 25-30 years or so, MrConsumer has been cutting his own hair with a Flowbee. Okay, stop laughing. Imagine how much you could have saved over this period of time -- thousands of dollars. Who's laughing now? It turns out, MrConsumer is not the only one left in the world doing this. Watch this short clip from CBS Sunday Morning.
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