TWITTER Week of November 30, 2020 (see last week)
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Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- No, Amazon is Not Sending You a $100 Gift Card
Last week, MrConsumer seemingly got good news -- Amazon was sending him a $100 gift card. We'll show you how to check if emails like this are legitimate or not.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
30 Tricks That Sellers Use to Get You to Buy or Pay More
Consumers' Checkbook has scoured the marketplace for over 40 years. In this time they have seen every trick in the book to get shoppers to bite on an offer. Here are 30 of the tricks and traps they've seen.
Please Help Support Consumer World
For 25 years, Consumer World has served readers with the latest consumer news, money-saving tips, and independent investigations. It is your generosity (and not advertising nor corporate contributions) that keeps this site and Mouse Print* available as free consumer resources. So MrConsumer turns to you and humbly asks for your support again this year. Your gift will be most appreciated.
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How to Properly Clean and Season Cast Iron Cookware
When properly maintained, a cast iron skillet can act like a nonstick frying pan. What's the right way to season and clean it? Wirecutter has the answers.
Consumer Savings Time
4 Shopping Apps to Save You Money
Hearst national consumer correspondent Jeff Rossen demonstrates four apps to save you money while shopping this holiday season. [video]
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Bargain of the Week
Get $40 Rebate on a $40 Purchase
If you are not an eBates or Rakuten member, now you can get $40 off a $40+ purchase via rebate after you join. Just use the store links on their site to go to your favorite online retailer and earn cash back on each purchase. There are huge percentage rebates during Cyber Monday sales.
Wyze Wi-Fi Smart Plugs - $4.98
If you have a Google Home Mini or Echo Dot smart speaker, here is the perfect companion to allow you to turn lights on and off (or other plug-in electric items) and operate them by voice, such as "Okay, Google, turn on the lights." You plug the smart plug into the wall, enable it via the Wyze app on your phone, and then add it as a device for your smart speaker to control. This smart plug is only $4.98 (half price) at any Home Depot that still has them in stock. (My store had 100, others are sold out.) Change location to a store near you to check availability. Sale may end December 2.
AMEX Gift Cards - No Purchase Fee, Free Shipping
If you want to give a gift card that is universally accepted (at places that accept American Express), this offer good though December 1 only allows you to buy them with no purchase fee, shipping fee or ongoing fees. You must use promo code CYBER2020 when you place your order.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Three Carpet Cleaners NOT to Buy
If you want to shampoo your carpets in time for the holidays, you might be thinking of buying a carpet cleaner. Consumer Reports says these three models scored at the bottom of their list. The best models are only shown to subscribers, but here's a hint: their #2 model is rated a "best buy" at around $100: Hoover PowerDash Pet FH50700.
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