Week of December 5, 2022
(see last week)
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Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- Act Mouthwash: Now With Less Fluoride?
A sharp consumer wrote in last week saying that he thinks Act Total Care anti-cavity mouthwash cut the amount of fluoride in half. We take a swig and sink our teeth into the issue.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
BBB's 12 Scams of Christmas
Every year, the Better Business Bureau compiles a "naughty list" of scams to be aware of around the holidays. Here are this year's top 12.
Please Help Support Consumer World
For 27 years, Consumer World has served readers with the latest consumer news, money-saving tips, and independent investigations. It is your generosity (and not advertising alone nor corporate support) that keeps this site and Mouse Print* available as free consumer resources. So MrConsumer turns to you and humbly asks for your support again this year. Your gift will be most appreciated.
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What B.F./Cyber Monday Deals Did You Snag?
Here's a chance to boast about any great deals you got over the past week. You'll see MrConsumer's unreal TV bargain there too.
Consumer Humor
Christmas Decorating on a Budget
Here's how one guy decorated his home with Christmas lights on a shoestring. Straw dummy - $10; leaning ladder - $0 (from the garage); one string of lights - $5! [To avoid calls to your local police department, don't try this at home.] Thanks to the Baker Fraud Report (request free newsletter) for bringing us this bit of holiday humor.
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Consumer News
Bargain of the Week
Buy a New Sam's Club Membership for $50, Get $50 Off Your In-Store Purchase
Until the end of January, new Sam's Club members ("new" is undefined this time) will get an e-coupon for $50 off a $50+ in-warehouse purchase, posted to your account within 72 hours of signing up, good during your first 60 days of membership.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
35 Products on Deep Discount in December
Consumer Reports says that these 35 items are good buys in December.
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