Consumer World

Week of November 28, 2022
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Welcome New York Times Readers

Thanks for checking out Consumer World and Mouse Print*. See our recent before and after pictures of shrinking products. And do check out our recent story about seniors and lower income shoppers being shut-out of "digital-only" in-store supermarket sale prices because millions don't have internet access or smartphones.

Note to Readers: I have been deluged with emails but will read all of them as fast as I can and respond.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Citi Drops Extended Warranty Benefit on Costco Credit Cards

mouse print One of the most valuable (but disappearing) credit card benefits is "extended waranty" where the card doubles the manufacturer's warranty for free. The Citi Costco credit card is doing away with that benefit in January, which was more generous than most giving your two extra years of coverage free. Did you miss the fine print notice on your statement? That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

"MrConsumer," Consumer World's Founder, Profiled in the New York Times

Consumer World After all the shrinkflation stories I've been part of this year and having tracked the subject for decades, the New York Times just published a front page story about that history and my 45-year career in consumer protection. You can comment on the story here.

Please Help Support Consumer World

MrConsumer For 27 years, Consumer World has served readers with the latest consumer news, money-saving tips, and independent investigations. It is your generosity (and not advertising alone nor corporate support) that keeps this site and Mouse Print* available as free consumer resources. So MrConsumer turns to you and humbly asks for your support again this year. Your gift will be most appreciated.


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Consumer Law

In Brazil, The Law Requires Makers of Shrinking Products to Disclose It

Believe it or not, Brazil has a law about shrinkflation. When a manufacturer downsizes a product, they must disclose the old size, the new size, and the percent difference right on the front of the package!

NOTE: We only feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked, try a different browser and clear NYT cookies from it. Other newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

MONDAY ONLY: Buy a $50 Applebee's Gift Card, Get TWO $10 Bonus Cards

On Cyber Monday only, buy a $50 Applebee's restaurant gift card (physical or virtual), and get two printable $10 bonus gift cards free. The bonus cards cannot be combined with each other and expire February 26.

Thermoworks Digital Meat Thermometer - $12.60

This brand is the real McCoy highly rated by America's Test Kitchen for accuracy. These Thermopop digital meat thermometers are normally $21, but for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, they are only $12.60. Shipping is $4.99 for the order so you can order multiples cutting your per unit cost. Use coupon code TWP2B-G97L35 for an extra 10% off the order. Offer may be withdrawn suddenly.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best 2023 New Cars and SUVs Under $30,000

Consumer Reports just issued its list of best vehicles for under $30,000 for the 2023 model year. (Actual ratings not shown except to subscribers.)

More from Consumer Reports
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