Week of August 21, 2023
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Consumer World Original
Mouse Print*-- Conagra Skimps Again: Wish-Bone Salad Dressing Watered Down
Last year, we told you how Conagra literally watered down their Smart Balance margarine, taking out almost 40% of the vegetable oil. Now they are at it again, this time with Wish-Bone salad dressing. Skimpflation lives on.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Picking a Medicare Plan
If you're thinking about retiring, or are already covered by Medicare, you might be overwhelmed by all the health insurance choices out there. Here's a look at the mistakes people make all too often when selecting Medicare options, how they can make better choices, and which types of plans are recommended.
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What Happens to the All the Stuff We Return?
This major story from the New Yorker looks at the big business of returned goods. Returns to online retailers now average close to twenty percent, and returns of apparel are often double that. Many times, the retailer does not resell the item, but instead an outside company takes those returns and resells them in bulk. This story explores the secret world of returns.
Consumer Alert
Beware Facebook Reverify Scam
[Ignore ad at start.] An alarming new message going around Facebook is threatening to disable user accounts if they don't hand over personal information to "verify" their account.
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Consumer Reports
Age-Old Quandry: Is It Better to Buy or Lease a Car?
Consumer Reports discusses the pros and cons of buying versus leasing your next car in this extensive article.
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