Consumer World

Week of March 24, 2025
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FTC's Top Scams/Frauds of 2024

How Much Do You Need to Save in Each State to Retire Comfortably?


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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print*-- No Joke: What You Can and Can't Take On a Plane May Surprise You

mouse print Just in time for April Fools' Day, we spotlight the oddball things that you can and cannot take onboard an airplane. For example, a jar of peanut butter is prohibited, while you are welcome to pack duct tape and rope in your carry-on. That story is in Mouse Print* this week.

Consumer Nostalgia: 49 Major Retail Chains That No Longer Exist

Rexall Think of all the retail stores that have come and gone over your lifetime. Here are over four dozen defunct retailers that are sure to bring back memories. The list does not contain many chains that were just in certain regions, like the Boston area. (Remember Gilchrist and Raymond's there?)


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See How Much Food, Gas, Housing Have Gone Up

CBS price tracker CBS is tracking the prices of food, gasoline, building materials and homes. See how specific commodities have gone up in price recently and compared to 2019. For example, in 2019, frozen orange juice was $2.43, and now it is $4.49. Sugar was 59 cents, and now $1.01. Chicken breast went up a dollar a pound. See also how the price of a typical home has skyrocketed in many cities around the country since 2020.

Consumer Investigation

Your Car May Be Spying on You

An investigation by Consumer Report reveals that most carmakers are collecting driver behavior data particularly if your car was manufactured in the past five years or so. And you may not be aware of it. The full story is in our Consumer Reports section below including what you can do about it.

PAYWALL Note: We try to feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked reading a Wall Street Journal story, get a free, renewable 3-day PASS. And if you hit the New York Times paywall, here is a three-day pass you can sign up for. For other blocked stories try a different browser and clear cookies of that site from it. Some newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice. Some MSN links when viewed on a cellphone omit the regular "continue reading" button and require app use.


Bargain of the Week

Mulch Sale Season Begins -- But Wait a Few Days

It is a sure sign that spring has sprung with the first sales of mulch starting to be advertised. Home Depot has 1.5 cu. ft. bags of Scotts mulch for $2.50 ... but don't buy it. And Walmart has 2 cu. ft. bags of generic black or brown mulch for $2.47 -- a better deal. But if you wait until April 3 (thru 16th), Lowe's will have the best price -- $2 for 2 cu. ft. bags of Sta-Green brand. This historically is the best price/value of the season.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Your Car May Be Spying on You; How to Stop It!

If you drive a car made in the past five years, chances are it's collecting reams of data about your driving -- things like how quickly you accelerate, how hard you hit the brakes, and how fast you turn corners. Consumer Reports investigated whether carmarkers got your permission to collect this type of information and sell it. Here's what they found.

More from Consumer Reports
Updated daily; Most stories free; Ratings not free

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