Week of September 25, 2023
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Consumer World Original
Mouse Print*-- Is It Advertising or a Bona Fide News Story?
It is getting harder to tell these days if you are reading a genuine news story or one written in the style of a real news article but which in fact is advertising. And that's a problem we spotted on USA Today's website.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Beware Online Videos by Dietitians Secretly Paid by Product Makers
According to a joint investigation by the Washington Post and The Examination, when the WHO raised questions about artificial sweeteners recently, a trade group representing beverage makers paid an undisclosed amount to 10 registered dietitians to blunt that criticism via videos in their social media accounts. What these dietitians didn't always make clear was that they were paid to make positive comments about these sweeteners, as required by the FTC.
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Get 4 Free COVID Tests From US
Uncle Sam is once again giving out free home COVID test kits since there is an uptick in cases being reported across the country. There is a limit of four tests per household. You can also use this site to determine if tests you have at home that appear to have expired can still be used.
Consumer Alert
#1 Internet Scam: Investment Schemes
[Ignore ad at beginning.] Victims reported losing $3.31 billion in investment scams across the U.S. last year, which was up 127% from 2021. Where do the scammers find their victims? It might even start with what looks like an innocent text, then that person befriends you, and then he encourages you to invest. Here is more information and tips from the FBI.
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Consumer News
Bargain of the Week
Moto G Stylus 5G Smartphone w/1 Year Service - $59.98 or less
QVC is offering a 2021 Motorola Moto G Stylus 5G Smartphone with 1500 minutes, 1500 texts, and 1.5 gigs of data for a year (NOT PER MONTH) via Tracfone, probably on the Verizon network, for only $59.98. New QVC customers MAY be able to use coupon code QVCNEW20 to get $20 off that price, but many report this item does not work with coupons. This smartphone cannot be upgraded beyond Android 12. You can unlock the phone after 60 days of use. The specs for this phone are good: 4 gigs of RAM, 128 gigs of memory, 6.8-inch screen, better than full HD resolution, long-life battery, etc. It does NOT have NFC (for touchless payments).
Buy 10 General Mills Products, Get $25 Back
If you buy 10 General Mills products (see participating items) in ONE transaction and at a participating store (see list at top of prior link), you can get a $25 online rebate (via PayPal, Venmo, or a digital Visa card). Make purchases by October 31, and submit your receipt here by November 30.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Deals on the New iPhone 15
Consumer Reports has the 411 on the various up to $1000 off offers being made by the major cell carriers for those customers who want to upgrade to the new iPhone 15. Be sure to check Xfinity Mobile also which doesn't require a very high-end monthly cell plan.
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