Consumer World

Week of September 11, 2023
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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print*-- French Supermarket to Place Warning Labels on Shrinking Products

mouse print Finally, someone is standing up to product manufacturers that use shrinkflation on their products in order to pass on a sneaky price increase to shopppers. That someone is Carrefour, the second largest retail chain in France. They are going to flag items that have been downsized with bright orange stickers. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

When Grocery Labels Lie, He Goes After Them

Spencer Sheehan He's been called the Vanilla Vigilante and probably even more unkind things by product manufacturers who he has sued after they misrepresented something on their food labels or in advertising. He's Spencer Sheehan (a contributor to Consumer World) who has single-handedly tried to help consumers confronted with these label lies. Here is his just-published New Yorker profile.


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The Worst Privacy Offender -- Your Car!

Nissan Car Cars have unmatched power to watch, listen, and collect information about what you do and where you go. The 25 brands of cars that Mozilla researched all collect too much personal data, and most of them share or sell it and give you little or no say in the matter. Here's how the various car brands stack up from bad to worst.

Consumer Alert

5 Things You Didn't Know Expire

Last week, we made note that Google Chromebooks expire... who knew? Now Consumer Reports has five more things that have a limited lifespan.

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Bargain of the Week

Buy 10 General Mills Products, Get $25 Back

If you buy 10 General Mills products (see participating items) in ONE transaction and at a participating store (see list at top of prior link), you can get a $25 online rebate (via PayPal, Venmo, or a digital Visa card). Make purchases by October 31, and submit your receipt here by November 30.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Guide to Buying Eyeglasses

It is not simple to buy eyeglasses anymore because of additional choices being promoted. Should you get a special coating? Should you buy eyeglasses online? Should you buy from a warehouse club? (MrConsumer gets his progressives at Costco, usually with a $40-$50 off coupon for the second pair.) And then there's a myriad of choices of frames and lenses. Here's their guide.

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