Consumer World
25th Anniversary

TWITTER    Week of September 7, 2020 (see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

Digital Coupon Redemptions Surpass Paper Ones

Chase Freedom Credit Cards: Major Changes Coming 9/15


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Top Stories

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Airlines Dropping $200 Change Fees, But...

mouse print Last week, several major airlines including United, Delta, and American announced they were dropping their $200 change and cancellation fees to encourage people to fly with less of a financial risk if they have to change plans. Of course, exactly which types of fares are covered by the new rules are not as rosy as the headlines would make you think. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

What Is the Best Way to Charge Your Cellphone?

cellphone Everybody has a theory on the best way to charge your cellphone to help extend the battery's life. Some say to remove it from the charger before it reaches 100%. Some say don't let it run down below 50-percent. Others keep the battery in the 20 to 80-percent range. Which method is best? Wirecutter, the New York Times-owned testing website, goes to the experts for the answer(s).


Updated daily

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Filing an Auto Insurance Claim

car wreck Most of us rarely if ever have been in a car accident, so we may not be particularly skilled in the do's and don'ts. Here are six mistakes to avoid when filing a claim.

As Seen on TV

Love Fraud: A Documentary About a Romance Scammer (Watch Preview)

If you find a funny consumer-related video or picture (not copyrighted) please submit it with a link to the source to: comment (at symbol) .

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Bargain of the Week

25% Off at Select eBay Stores - Labor Day Only

eBay is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a big discount sale. Need a vacuum, electronics item, new sneakers or something else? eBay is offering 25% off (up to a $100 discount) at 19 specific stores on the website on Labor Day only. Use coupon code: PARTYFOR25

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Major Investigation: How Online Pill Pushers Market Questionable Cures and Evade Prosecution

Consumer Reports' investigation found that the business of pitching dubious potions and pills, through robocalls and spam emails and texts, often relies on the help of numerous parties - marketers, payment processors, suppliers, retailers - who allegedly work hand in hand and are structured in ways that insulate them from legal and financial backlash. Here's the story.

More from Consumer Reports
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