Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of September 6, 2021 (see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

A Travel Agent's List of Great But Lesser Known Trip Tools

12 Colleges That Cover 100% of Financial Aid


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Top Stories

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Are King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls Really Made in Hawaii?

mouse print MrConsumer has never tried King's Hawaiian sweet rolls that many people rave about. But, some not-so-happy consumers did buy them only to discover that rather than being made in Hawaii as they thought, they came from a California factory. So they sued the company. Are their claims half-baked? That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Credit Card Issuers Ranked

credit cards J.D. Power surveyed 28,000 credit card holders about the benefits and services they are receiving from their issuer. For big issuers, AMEX came in first place. For medium size banks, Goldman Sachs (a new entrant with the Apple Card) blows away the compeition. Here are the full lists.


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States Ranked from Healthiest to Least Healthy

doctor A new analysis by Boston University reveals which states are the healthiest and least healthy. They evaluated 10 factors including healthcare access, physical health, community support and food access. The healthiest state is Massachusetts, and the least healthy is Mississippi. How healthy is your state? See the full list.

Consumer Insight

How Right to Repair Could Save You Money

Congress and a number of states have "right to repair" bills before them. These proposed laws would give independent repair shops and others access to parts and product repair materials so you no longer have to go the manufacturer for their expensive repairs. This WSJ story explains "right to repair" and how much it could save you.

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Bargain of the Week

Free Oil Change, Car Wash, and Interior Cleaning

Until September 30, Mazda is offering educators (see fine print of offer by clicking the "1" on the offer page) a free oil change and car wash. "Educator" is a defined term so read the rules carefully about who is covered and what proof must be provided. You do NOT need to have a Mazda. What a deal as Mazda thanks educators for their service!

Free Wine After Rebate

Until September 30, if you live in certain states and buy any Barefoot wine product, you can get an online rebate (via PayPal, Venmo, or e-check) for up to $9.99. If you shop around, you can get a 1.5 liter bottle of Barefoot wine for that price. Offer void in: AL, AR, CA, CO, HI, IL, IN, IA, LA, ME, MD, MI, MS, MO, NH, NJ, NC, OH, PA, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

How to Choose a Generator (and Get the Right Size)

With hurricane Ida causing so many to lose power last week, here is a guide to buying an electric generator. And here is a second story about the differences between a portable and a standby generator.

More from Consumer Reports
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