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25th Anniversary

TWITTER    Week of November 9, 2020 (see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

30 Things That Can Mess Up Your Credit Score

Wireless Wi-Fi Router Brands Ranked


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Consumer World Original

Top 10 Tips to Bag a Bargain During a Very Different Black Friday Month

Black Friday This Black Friday will be like no other. Retailers are spreading out their sales sporadically throughout November to limit store crowding on Friday, November 27. Most stores are closed on Thanksgiving this year. Advance copies of store sale flyers are late so that makes planning and price comparisons more difficult. Nonetheless, we offer our best tips to bag a bargain.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- CVS's Seemingly Generous Coupon Acceptance Policy

mouse print A few weeks ago, we examined a nasty practice at Walgreens whereby they programmed their checkouts to only accept the lower value of two applicable e-clipped coupons. This week, we turn to CVS, which on paper at least has some seemingly generous coupon acceptance policies. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.


(Anti-)Consumer Agency Just Allowed Debt Collectors to Call You 7 Times a Week & Send Unlimited Texts, Emails, and Social Media DMs

Debt Collection Calls The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the not-very-friendly-to-consumers federal agency, just released new rules for debt collectors. They can now call you up to seven times a week (previously limited to three times under some state laws), and for the first time can contact you via email, text, and private messages on social media with no specific limit to the number of times they may do so. The new regulations go into effect in one year.

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Consumer Health

How Safe is Your Supermarket?

CBC Marketplace takes its hidden cameras into six supermarket chains to check food temperatures, cleanliness, and COVID sanitation procedures.

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Bargain of the Week

Apple AirPods and Charging Case - $99

Deal withdrawn for now. This is the lowest price ever for a pair of Apple AirPods -- wireless "earphones" primarily for iPhones and iPads. They are regularly $139 to $159, but they are Black Friday priced at Amazon, Walmart, Costco, and perhaps other stores. Expiration unknown.

Preview Black Friday Sales Now

Some Black Friday sales have already begun or will soon. See what's on sale in the latest advance copies of Black Friday sale circulars at .

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

The Most Reliable Microwave Oven Brands

Consumer Reports spills the beans on which brands of microwave ovens -- both over-the-range and countertop varieties -- are the most reliable. This story names the top brands in both categories, but you need to be a Consumer Reports online subscriber to see actual model numbers.

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