Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of November 7, 2022 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- CPSC Slow to Issue Product Safety Warnings

mouse print The recent story of a family that lost a baby who suffocated in a sleeper that was known to be unsafe brings back an old issue. Why is the Consumer Product Safety Commission seemngly so slow to act? That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

New Ranking: 10 Best Places to Retire

hammock U.S. News is out with their latest ranking of the best places to retire for 2022-23. They judge places based on the happiness of local residents, housing affordability, tax rates and health care quality. Pennsylvania takes the top two slots this year, with Lancaster and Harrisburg leading the way.


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Grocery Price Comparisons: Costco vs. Stop & Shop, Trader Joe's vs. Stop & Shop, Wegmans vs. Stop & Shop

shopping cart In a series of three scrollable stories here, CNET compares grocery prices in a variety of ways. First, they compare buying in bulk - a year's worth of staples - at Costco vs. Stop & Shop, a large northeast supermarket chain. Then they check whether Trader Joe's is cheaper than a conventional supermarket. Finally, they compare brand names and store brands at Wegman's (which used to portray itself as a discounter) versus Stop & Shop.

Consumer Investigation

Food Label Health Claims Questioned

CBC Marketplace investigates health claims on food packages. This report says that some products create more of a "health halo" than actual health benefits.

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Bargain of the Week

50 Retailers Offering Military Discounts for Veterans Day

Veterans Day is this Friday, November 11. Many retailers will be offering special discounts to veterans and military families. Some stores offer these discounts year-round, other just on Veterans Day. Here is a list of 50 retailers and the discounts they offer. Here too are a list of chain restaurants offering veterans discounts.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Pros and Cons of Medicare Advantage Plans

With open enrollment in full swing, many seniors may be a selecting a Medicare advantage plan that combines additional benefits and pays for more than Medicare alone. Before you change plans or renew your current one, see what Consumer Reports says are the pros and cons.

More from Consumer Reports
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