TWITTER Week of May 25, 2020 (see last week)
Consumer World Original
Savvy shoppers know they can often get great deals on refurbished electronics items like TVs or cellphones, but the warranty that comes with these reconditioned products is often skimpy, typically only 90 days. And if you think your credit card will double that, think again because most card issuers exclude refurbished items from their extended warranty benefit... except this one.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, many of the antibody tests they checked failed to meet their quality standards. As an experiment, the doctors substituted a saline solution for a drop of blood normally used on one of the 15-minute rapid tests. It came back positive! The hospital checked 19 different brands of tests, nine of the them were the rapid tests. Four of the nine failed. Of the 10 tests where a vial of blood is sent off to a laboratory for analysis, only four rated A+.
You've probably been hearing a lot about contact tracing. It's the process of identifying people who have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and instructing them to quarantine and monitor their symptoms daily. Now scammers are sending fake text messages saying someone you came in contact with tested positive for the virus. Don't click the link in the contains malware.
The New York Times suggests that you may not have been properly disinfecting the surfaces in your home because of varying instructions on different products and not leaving the sprays on long enough. And there are different rules for wipes versus sprays. Here's what you need to know. [Some readers' browsers blocked the old link.]
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