TWITTER Week of May 4, 2020 (see last week)
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Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- How Unscrupulous Sellers Mislead on Shipping, Country of Origin
In his search for reasonably priced KN95 masks, MrConsumer found a company that would ship the masks from a U.S. location to Boston for arrival in just four to seven days. Great... until the little scam they were pulling became obvious.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Best Fabrics for Homemade Masks
You can make a homemade mask as good at filtering small particles as a hospital N95 mask according to researchers who tested various combinations of fabrics. The key is using multiple layers of tighten woven fabrics such cotton from a 600 thread-count sheet and two layers of chiffon or silk. Keep in mind, if the mask is not tight-fitting, you could lose up to half its effectiveness. Here is the original study (see table 1 showing effectiveness of various fabric combinations).
Is the Virus on Clothing, Shoes, Mail, Hair?
The New York Times answers pressing questions about whether you have to take off and wash your clothes when you come back from the grocery store; if you have to wipe down your shoes, mail and newspaper, etc. ?
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50 Terrible Ways to Save Money
You may chuckle when reading some of these ways that people try to save money because they can backfire. "Buying ill-fitting clothing because it is on sale" is one of them. Confess: how many of us have done that? Here are 49 other ways to save money that may be pennywise but pound foolish. (We disagree that giving up your daily latte is a bad idea.)
These Are Not Normal Times
Even MrConsumer's Christmas cactus which normally blooms in November/December decided to blossom again now.
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Bargain of the Week
Free 6-pack of Coors Light (After Rebate)
If you are one of the first 100,000 or so people to buy a six-pack of Coors Light (bottles or cans) before June 1, and send in this rebate, you'll get a full price refund in you live in certain states (and a 50% rebate in some other states). Void in 11 states.
Skagen Watches - Extra 40% Off Sale Price
Sale Skagen watches are an extra 40% off when checking out using promo code SWEETDEAL . If you click the "sale" menu, that is where you will find the biggest discounts and more sale items. A number of fashionable men's watches, for example, were $115 reduced to $57 and then 40% off makes them $34.20. Shipping is free. Warning: get out your metric ruler. Some of the watches are HUGE. This great looking men's watch is 45mm in diameter, not including the stem.
Butt or Shank Smoked Hams - 39 Cents/lb
For those on the East Coast lucky enough to live near a ShopRite or Price Rite supermarket, and who dare to come out of seclusion, this deals turns back the clock 30 years on ham prices. In cryovac packages, either butt or shank portion smoked hams are an amazing 39 cents a pound this week (thru Thursday at Price Rite, thru Saturday at Shop Rite). Packages seem to be in the six to 12 pound range, but be warned, this ham is 23% water!
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Facebook Monitors "Off-Facebook Activity"
You will be shocked if you look at the new "Off-Facebook Activity" section of settings in the Facebook app or website. You will see hundreds if not thousands of websites reporting to Facebook where you have visited. Here's how you can control that information to a degree.
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