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TWITTER    Week of March 29, 2021 (see last week)   

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Mouse Print* -- No Joke: Thomas' Upsizes its English Muffins

mouse print As we celebrate April Fools' Day this week, there is news this very popular product is bucking the trend of ever-shrinking groceries. That's right, Thomas' English Muffins are bigger now... but don't get your hopes up about the new size. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

22 IRS Audit Red Flags

tax With money so much on people's minds these days, the last thing you want is for the Internal Revenue Service to audit your tax return. What things might trigger an audit? Here are 22 red flags that might put you on the IRS' most wanted list.


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Before You Buy Gas at Costco...

Costco Costco often has the cheapest gasoline prices in town. Here are some tips about filling up at Costco, including one that MrConsumer didn't know. You don't need to be a Costco member to buy gas at their pumps if you have a Costco Cash card. It is like a gift card that any member can put money on and then give to you.

Consumer Humor

No Joke: Look What's Sponsored at Boston's Fenway Park

Red Sox bathroom sponsorship
We always see big companies sponsoring professional sports teams so they can promote themselves, for example, as the "Offical _____ of New England Patriots." But at the home of the Boston Red Sox, the most unexpected thing is sponsored too -- their men's rooms!

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Bargain of the Week

Get $10 Back on a $20 CVS Purchase Via Venmo

Until March 31, if you make a contactless purchase at CVS stores of at least $20, and you use the QR code in the Venmo epayments app for the first time as the means of payment, Venmo will give you back $10 in the app. (The offer also applies to PayPal touchless payments, but the rules are too complicated.)

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

You Can Now Get Free Weekly Credit Reports

Because of consumers' concerns about their finances during the pandemic, the major credit bureaus now are offering you a free copy of your credit report every week (instead of only once a year).

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