Consumer World

Week of March 25, 2019 (see last week)

Top Stories

Daily Low Dose Aspirin Recommendations Changed Again

low dose aspirin Like eggs, that are recommended one week and then put on the no-no list the next, the same is true of whether you should take a daily low-dose aspirin. A study published last week by Harvard Medical School scientists demonstrates how aspirin can inhibit the growth of cancer. However, another study demonstrates that daily dose aspirin has no effect on healthy aging for those over 70 with no prior heart issues. And new guidelines issued last week said low-dose aspirin is no longer recommended for those without the high risk of heart disease and a few other conditions. Here are some tips to prevent heart attacks and strokes without pills.

Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 Vegetables and Fruit

veggies The Environmental Working Group is out with its annual list of produce with the highest and the lowest levels of pesticide residue in test samples. Surprise: spinach and kale are very high on the no-no list. However, they say the benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables even if you choose non-organic items outweigh the risks of pesticide residue.



Two New Hospital Bill Surprises

hospital According to CBS News, nearly two-thirds of hospital emergency rooms are staffed by outside companies, and thus those charges may be out-of-network. That means they may not be covered in full or at all by your insurance. And NBC News reports that in some states, debt collectors may be able to put a lien on your house or garnish your wages for unpaid medical bills.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Cheez-it Cheats-it on Whole Grains

mouse print Product manufacturers like to make shoppers think their product is healthy to eat. One in-fashion way today is to promote that it is made from "whole grains." That's what Cheez-it tried to do, but they got caught. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Consumer World

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Bargain of the Week

Eddie Bauer 40%-50% Off Everything

At Eddie Bauer's online as well as brick and mortar stores, most "everything" is 40% off, and some things are 50% off. The best discounts are in the clearance section where already reduced prices can be discounted by an additional 50% using the promotion code MARCH50.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Can You Trust Online Do-It-Yourself Tax Prep Sites?

Consumer Reports tested the online versions of tax preparation services like H&R Block, TaxAct, TaxSlayer, and TurboTax and discovered some issues.

More from Consumer Reports
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