Consumer World

Week of March 18, 2019 (see last week)

Top Stories

New Dishwasher Detergent Test Results

Cascade Platinum If you keep pulling dirty dishes out of your dishwasher, maybe it's time to switch detergents. Here are the top picks in various categories from Consumer Reports. Don't be misled by their chart -- the large one to five numbers do NOT represent rank. The real first and second place winners are Kirkland Signature (Costco) Premium Dishwasher Pacs followed by Cascade ActionPacs with Clorox (at three times the Costco brand's price).

Consumer Agencies Hobbled Since 2017

consumer protection Two new reports say that the number of consumer protection cases handled by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have dropped dramatically over the past two years. For example, enforcement activity has dropped 80% from its peak at the CFPB and the average monetary relief for victims has plunged 96%.



Here We Go Again - Eggs Back on the No-No List

eggs For the last 40+ years, studies about eating eggs have waffled back and forth between saying they were bad for you, then good for you, then bad again. And that happened again last week when a new study proclaimed that eating just three to four eggs a week was linked to a six-percent increase in cardiovascular disease and an eight-percent higher risk of death.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Thanks for Nothing, 2019 - Part 1

mouse print Nothing is truer than the old consumer saying, "the big print giveth and the little print taketh away." So we applaud (not) those companies that entice us with seemingly great offers, prices, and products only to disappoint us when reading the details. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Consumer World

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Bargain of the Week

Pacific Shaving Products Free After Rebate

Pacific Shaving Company is offering up to a $35 card rebate for trying up to five of its products. Covered products are Bamboo Pre-Shave Scrub, Caffeinated After Shave, Caffeinated Shaving Cream, Natural Shaving Cream, and Ultra Slick Shave Stick. The rebate is VERY specific in its terms including requiring you to purchase these items IN-STORE ONLY and on a single receipt. The items are sold in drugstores and supermarkets (see list on rebate form). Second warning: These items are very hard to find in a single store, and most stores checked are either sold out or only carry one or two products. Offer ends July 31, 2019. See rebate terms.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Most/Least Reliable Microwave Oven Brands

Consumer Reports has rated 150+ microwave ovens and based on surveys of owners it can recommend a few brands as the most reliable and lists a few other brands as not recommended. When buying a microwave, look for one with the highest wattage -- 1200 watts or higher if possible. After all, who wants a slow microwave?

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