Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of March 23, 2020 (see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

IRS Delays 2019 Form Filing AND Tax Due Deadline to July 15 Including Estimated Taxes for 2020 (See the full IRS Info)

State by State Tax Relief Plans


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Mouse Print* -- Sometimes No Disclosure Is Better

mouse print Some corned beef brands disclose on the label that a "solution" of water and salt equivalent to 35% of the weight of the package has been injected into the meat. Nothing like paying beef prices for water. On the other hand, some other brands that also inject water into the meat failed to disclose how much was. How anti-consumer. Or was it? That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

A Moment of Levity...

As we all try to hunker down because of the coronavirus, we share this moment of comic relief.

How Long Will Coronavirus Last on Surfaces and in the Air?

Which Cleaning Products Kill the Coronavirus?

coronavirus A new study published last week says that the coronavirus can last three days on some surfaces like plastic and steel, and one day on cardboard. According to Consumer Reports, certain cleaning products will effectively kill the coronavirus, but others won't. And to be effective, you have to use the product correctly.



Will Your Credit Card Provide Refunds for Cancelled Travel?

Travelers who are cancelling reservations are turning to their credit card issuers to use the travel insurance benefit that some still provide, or they attempt to do a chargeback. The results have been mixed.

Costco Refusing Certain Returns; Supermarkets Refusing All Returns

Costco returns To discourage hoarding of essential things like toilet paper, Costco is apparently no longer accepting those returns. And supermarkets around the country concerned about selling only safe products to their customers are banning returns of all merchandise.

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Bargain of the Week

$20 Family Meals from Panda Express

Usually about $37, Panda Express is offering a family meal for just $20 when ordered online or through their app. Takeout only where restaurant restrictions are in effect. You get two large sides and three large entrees. According to people who have ordered this, it is a large amount of food. Fancy dishes like shrimp are extra -- so skip them. Offer ends April 17.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Coalition of Consumer Groups Asks Congress for Consumer Protections in Airline Bailout

Prominent consumer groups, including Consumer Reports, have asked Congress to require airlines to provide refunds for cancelled trips and offer reasonably priced rebooking fares for those who want to fly subsequently.

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