Week of June 24, 2019 (see last week)
Top Stories
Who Makes the Most Reliable Major Appliances?
Consumer Reports just released an all-in-one chart showing the predicted reliability of major appliances made by various manufacturers. You can compare brand reliability totals, as well as for individual types of appliances like refrigerators, washers, ranges, etc. The worst single brand is fancy-schmancy Viking. Of brands with appliances in each major category, LG tops the list but with only a score of 68 out of 100.
Fake "Local" Businesses on Google Maps Can Rip You Off
An investigation by the Wall Street Journal reveals that many company listings that show up on Google Maps are fake or have somehow taken over the name of a legitimate business. This is important because say you are looking for a plumber, you could get ripped because they are really not in your area nor who they say they are. Are there really five plumbers, nearly one on every corner, in the map above?
In Stores, Hidden Beacons Track Your Moves
Bluetooth beacons are small electronic devices that can be planted around a retail store that communicate with apps on your smartphone, precisely tracking you, your location, and the amount of time you spend there. How do these apps get on your phone? They could be buried in unrelated apps whose developers are paid to include them!
Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- This Advertised $9.99 Oil Change Actually Costs 70% More
MrConsumer hates to pay a lot for an oil change, so when he heard about the $9.99 deal from Monro, he got very excited. The euphoria was short-lived however because of junk fees and improperly calculated sales tax.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
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Consumer News
Bargain of the Week
Tello Lowered Prices on Cell Service to Just $10
MrConsumer uses Tello as his cell service and pays by the minute, text and meg, costing him less than a dollar a month. Most people probably prefer a more inclusive plan. How about unlimited calls, texts and 1 gigabyte of data for just $10 a month, with no obnoxious carrier-imposed fees! A 2-gig plan is now just $14. Tello uses the Sprint network, so bring a compatible phone or buy one from them. Use our link to sign up, and get $10 in Tello bucks toward your bill.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Which Types of Major Appliances Need Repairs Most?
Consumer Reports says that about 40% of refrigerators will likely need repairs in the first five years of ownership. Here are the odds for other major appliances.
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