Week of June 17, 2019 (see last week)
Top Stories
Price Range on Carpeting Will Floor You
Consumers' Checkbook did a price comparison survey of carpet at various sellers. Often brand name carpet styles can be found at multiple stores, so it is actually possible to compare prices relatively easily. You'll be floored at the price range they found -- often the highest priced store was charging double or triple the lowest priced one. Here are additional tips on smart carpet buying.
Can You Spot the Phishy Sites?
Virus and malware protection company Avast has a created a series of quizzes to see if you can spot phishy login, webpages, and emails. You only have about five seconds to make a judgment for each question, so act quickly. The questions change each time you take the test.
What's That "Facility Fee" on My Doctor Bill?
When Dan Sokol saw an orthopedist for shoulder pain, he got an X-ray and then a cortisone shot at his doctor's office. A few weeks later, he got a bill with more than $3,000 in charges for a "facility fee" from Cedars Sinai Medical Center, a hospital near his doctor's office. He thought it was a billing error because he never visited the hospital, but it was no mistake. See why this happened and how sometimes you can challenge fees like this.
Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- Barilla Settles Class Action on Underfilled Boxes
What you see is not what you get when buying certain varieties of Barilla pasta. Some packages contain a whole lot of dead air space because Barilla uses the same full-size boxes even for their products that weigh less than a pound.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
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Bargain of the Week
Sign Up for Free Samples at Amazon
Amazon apparently has a free samples program and any customer can sign up. You don't have to be a Prime member. Be sure to select the categories of interest. No guarantee if/when you will receive anything.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Don't Charge Your Cellphone to 100%!
Consumer Reports says you should only charge your cellphone to 80% and recharge it when it reaches 40% of power left. This will help extend the battery's life, they say.
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