Consumer World

Week of June 10, 2019 (see last week)

Top Stories

Yikes: Dollar Tree Quietly Testing Higher Prices

Dollar Tree The party could be ending at one of the favorite haunts for bargain hunters -- Dollar Tree. The company is quietly testing "Dollar Tree Plus" -- a collection of items that cost more than a dollar. Since 40-percent of the store's goods come from China and the company operates on very thin margins (choosing to sell a lot but making very little on each item), the company is being squeezed by higher foreign tariffs. So with not much room to absorb those increased costs, you, the consumer, will have to foot the bill.

7 Things Your Financial Advisor Won't Tell You

secret Choosing and dealing with a financial advisor may be one of the most important financial moves you make. Here are some cautions and things you might not have realized about doing business with them. In a related story, advocates are not happy with the new SEC best interest investing rule.



If You're Considering a Genetic Testing Service...

DNA With all the advertisements for at home DNA testing kits from Ancestry and 23andMe, you may be tempted to learn about your heritage and more importantly, key health findings that a simple mouth swab can reveal. Consumers Checkbook says not so fast because some of the tests are not accurate, you might get a false sense of security, and you won't get the same privacy protections you're entitled to in a medical setting.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Did Those Clever Keebler Elves Try to Pull a Fast One?

mouse print Keebler is boldly promoting that certain packages of Keebler cookies now contain 20% more cookies. But we found the most recent old package and compared it to the new 20% bonus package, and guess what? They both had the same number of cookies. This is a mystery that even Perry Mason couldn't solve (and Keebler was no help when we asked them). That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

NOTE: We only feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked, try a different browser and clear NYT and WashPost cookies from it. Other newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

Two Pairs of Eyeglasses - $59

Visionworks is running its periodic sale again, offering two pairs of single vision eyeglasses (including lenses, and frames up to $69.95 each) for $59. This is a $10 jump from the last sale, but still a great deal on two complete pairs of glasses. Progressives are $99 for two.

$2 Tee Shirt Time at Michael's

Just in time for summer, Michael's is doing their lowest prices of the season sale with adult and youth tee shirts for just $2. Remember some colors are 100% cotton, others are a blend. Check the label before buying. Sale price good through June 15th, in-store and online.

Free 8x10 Enlargement at CVS Photo

Just in time for Father's Day... upload a photo you want enlarged to 8" by 10" at CVS photo, and get it free (if you select same day pickup) and enter coupon code DAD810 .

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Is a2 Milk Right for You?

You may have seen the ads for a2 milk indicating it is more easily digested than regular milk for some people. It also says that some people erroneously believe they are lactose intolerant when in fact they just have difficulty digesting the a1 protein found in regular milk. Consumer Reports examines the research about the effectiveness of a2 milk.

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