Consumer World

Week of July 31, 2023
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Consumer News Quickies

Olive Oil May Help Fight Dementia

11 Things Not to Put in Your Dishwasher


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Top Stories

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print*-- WSJ Goofs Reporting Walmart+ Discount for Seniors

mouse print MrConsumer got a little excited when he saw a story last week in the Wall Street Journal saying that Walmart was going to offer social security recipients a 50% discount on its Walmart+ membership -- a free shipping program like Amazon Prime. But then he read the fine print. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

How to Spot False Wellness Claims on Product Labels

healthy products You can't browse a grocery store or pharmacy without being subject to flashy labels that promote health benefits. You might find "prebiotic" sodas that supposedly support "gut health." You'll see "medical-grade" serums and "skin detoxing" treatments. In the supplements aisle, you will find promises of "immunity support," "hormone balance" and "energy enhancing" benefits. This story discusses "sciencesploitation" and how to spot it.


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Trade In Old Electronics for Walmart Gift Cards

Walmart trade-in Walmart has a new trade-in program for old electronics like cellphones, laptops, wearables, smart speakers, etc. If you can find your item on their list, they will accept it in any condition supposedly. You print a prepaid label, send them the item, and then you get back a Walmart e-gift card. Here are frequently asked questions and answers.

Consumer Alert

Why Warning Labels Are Not Working

[Ignore CNBC ad at start.] With warning labels seemingly everywhere and on everything, no wonder they are losing their effectiveness. Experts have developed two criteria for effective warning labels: 1) they must provide new information to consumers, and 2) the consumer must find the information credible. Here are more details about why warning labels need improvement and how to do it.

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Bargain of the Week

Almond Breeze - Full Price Rebate

If you try any Blue Diamond Almond Breeze product and are not satisfied, the company will provide up to a $6 rebate. This way you can try a container risk-free. Here is the rebate form, which can be submitted online or by mail.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

What to Eat for Better Brain Health

Forget the jargon on health food labels. Consumer Reports helps guide you to the specific types of foods you should eat for better brain health.

More from Consumer Reports
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