Consumer World

Week of July 17, 2023
(see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

How to Spend Less and Enjoy More in a Frugal Retirement

To Save Money, Some Consumers Are Trading Down From Premium Brands


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We're Back Online!

Last Monday night a fire in the data center where Consumer World's server is located knocked out our sites and email. It was not until Thursday morning that service was restored. We apologize for the inconvenience you may have experienced. See last week's homepage if you missed it.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print*-- Shoppers Sue Retailers Over Sneaky Practices - Part 3

mouse print We continue our series about angry consumers suing retailers over alleged nasty practices. This time, a consumer is suing a supermarket chain for selling flushable wipes that he says are not actually flushable. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Can You Spot the Artificial Sweeteners in These Products

Sweet 'n Low It seems like every few months an article comes out about an artificial sweetener that has been newly declared to be unhealthy. We're all familiar with brand names like Sweet 'n Low and Equal. But do you know a whole host of chemical names for other types of artificial sweeteners? Take this quiz to see if you can spot the artificial sweeteners in each of these products.


Updated daily

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Why We Fall for Hoaxes and How to Outsmart Scammers

scams The authors of the new book, "Nobody's Fool," are interviewed about what makes us vulnerable to being fooled. And it is not just poor folks who are targeted (think art fraud and crypto scams). And when you are starting to get sucked into a "too-good-to-be-true" deal, that is when to call a time-out and step back.

Consumer Alert

Beware IRS "Unclaimed Refund" Scam

Some scammers are going back to using old-fashioned U.S. mail to try to separate you and your money. This time, it looks like a letter from the IRS alerting you to a refund they owe you. Don't fall for it.

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Bargain of the Week

Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel Nuggets - $2.49/lb.

For less than the price of most brands of plain pretzels, Trader Joe's everyday price on a one-pound bag of peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets is only $2.49. Warning: they are addicting!

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best Frozen Pizzas

As part of their series, "Outside the Labs," Consumer Reports' taste testers turned their attention to frozen pizza. They picked an unlikely winner, and then named other brands as the ones with the best crust, the cheesiest, etc.

More from Consumer Reports
Updated daily; Most stories free; Ratings not free

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