Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of January 20, 2020 (see last week)   

Top Stories

The McDonald's Monopoly Game Was Rigged for Over a Decade

McMillions A blockbuster six-part documentary coming to HBO on February 3rd reveals that McDonald's popular Monopoly game was rigged by one man from 1989 to 2001! The million dollar winning game pieces were diverted from general distribution by one man, "Uncle Jerry." Here is a two-minute video preview.

He Called the Cops When Target Would Not Sell Him an Electric Toothbrush for a Penny

Target Apparently a Massachusetts Target store mismarked an electric toothbrush for a penny, but the store manager refused to sell it to journalist David Leavitt. The writer said they had to citing the Mass. Item Pricing Law and he called the cops. Well, dear reader, yours truly, MrConsumer, wrote that law in 1987. It does not apply in this situation because the toothbrush was not a grocery item and the one-cent price was a "gross error" which is an exception under the law and similar AG regulation.



Best and Worst Airlines

airlines Air travel can be very frustrating, but if you know which airlines have a better record for on-time and cancelled flights, mishandled baggage, or other travel problems you lessen the chances of a bad experience. Reviewing 2019 statistics, the Wall Street Journal says Delta ranked best, while American Airlines came in ninth. See how various airlines ranked in many categories.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Thanks for Nothing: CVS, Aldi, and Kmart

mouse print These popular retailers tried to pull some fast ones in their advertising recently, but our trusty Mouse caught them red-handed. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

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Bargain of the Week

Free Sample Beyond Sausage Sandwich at Dunkin'

If you are intrigued by all the plant-based meat alternatives being announced, then you might want to try a free sample of Beyond Meat's new sausage sandwich at Dunkin' (Donuts) on January 24 and 25 from 8 - 10 am at participating locations.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best Nonstick Frying Pans

Consumer Reports tested a variety of frying pans with a nonstick coating to see which were the most durable and which really delivered on the nonstick promise. Surprisingly, even cheap pans did a good job.

More from Consumer Reports
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