Mouse Print* -- Congratulations, You've (Not) Won Free Chipotle for a Year
It was a lucky day for select Chipotle customers last Friday (the 13th) when they got emails notifying them they had won free Chipotle food for a year. With visions of burritos dancing in their heads, their good fortune didn't last long.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Get 4% on Savings, Few Strings
All those interest rate hikes last year by the fed to try to slow inflation have a positive side effect for savers. You can now get over four-percent interest on high-yield savings accounts! (Remember when five-percent was standard just on a NOW account?) Here are 10 of the top-paying accounts, most without any minimum deposit requirement. (MrConsumer has banked at Salem Five - one of the top 10 - since 1995.) A good source of competitive rate information on various types of bank accounts is DepositAccounts.
In a first in the nation move, a New Jersey assemblyman filed a bill last week requiring stores that issue digital coupons to also make available paper versions of those discounts to customers that do have internet access or smartphones. As regular readers know, consumer groups implored a dozen large supermarket chains to voluntarily make advertised "digital-only" sale items available also to unplugged shoppers but not one has committed to doing so.
Cities Where Inflation Is Rising the Most
If you live in certain parts of Florida, Texas, California, or Washington state, it is not your imagination if prices seem to be going up every month. Certain cities in those states are among those where inflation is the worst. See the rest of the list.
Consumer Future
Highlights of the Consumer Electronics Show
Every January, tech makers unveil their latest products (or sometimes just futuristic product ideas). Here are some of the editors' choices of the best of CES 2023 from The Verge.
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Here is a long story about a Consumer Reports editor who decided to give up his gas stove and replace it with an induction model. Not only did he have to buy some new cookware, but installation was a costly electrical conversion process. And he and his wife had to relearn how to cook. With all the talk about possible future bans on gas stoves, this story is worth reading.
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