Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of February 24, 2020 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Are CVS Customers Better Than Most at Taking Their Pills?

mouse print CVS has been advertising that its customers are better at taking their prescriptions religiously than most who get their pills from other drugstores. Really? We asked them for the study that formed the basis of this claim. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

20 Signs You Are Spending Too Much on Groceries

shopping cart If you have developed some bad grocery shopping habits, or fall prey to some techniques used by supermarkets to get you to spend more, your food bill may be higher than it needs to be. Here are 20 bad shopping habits you should kick to save money.



Is Your Diamond Real or Lab-Grown?

diamond ring Last year, the Federal Trade Commission warned a number of diamond sellers to clean up their act. They did not make clear that their diamonds were lab-grown rather than mined. Here is a video showing a couple shocked to learn they had been hoodwinked.

Flying Overseas? These Airlines Will Give You a Free Stopover

airlines If you are planning a trip overseas this spring or summer, these two dozen foreign airlines will let you add another city to your itinerary -- usually their hub -- at no extra charge.

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Bargain of the Week

Free or Cheap AA Batteries After Rebate

Until February 29, Office Depot/Office Max is offering 16-24 count packages of Duracell AA batteries (AAA in 16-packs only) free after a full price rewards rebate (good at their stores only). Alternatively, through February 29, Menards has 30 AA batteires for $2.99 after $4 mail-in rebate merchandise credit.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Top 10 Cars for 2020

Consumer Reports has just come out with its annual list of top car picks based on their tests and reader surveys. Note that only one car is under $25,000.

More from Consumer Reports
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