Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of December 16, 2019 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

2019 Return Policies: Return Deadlines Shrinking

return policy Got a gift to return? Better hurry back to the store because this year several prominent retailers have significantly shortened their return periods. Stores that once had unlimited return policies have cut them to one-year, then to 180 days, and now in some cases to 90 days or less. Here are all the findings in Consumer World's 16th annual survey of retailers' return policies.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Advertising Masquerades as Program Content on TV Talk Shows - Part 4

mouse print Over a series of four stories, Consumer World has demonstrated that TV talk shows are airing segments where the product or service featured has paid the program to be on the show. In essence, you are watching a mini-informercial and may not even know it because of poor disclosures by these programs. This week we examine a recent segment from the Dr. Phil show about Medicare advantage plans. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Please Help Support Consumer World

give support For 24 years, Consumer World has served readers with the latest consumer news, money-saving tips, and independent investigations. But we no longer receive financial support from a corporate sponsor. So reluctantly, MrConsumer turns to you and humbly asks for your help to keep this site and Mouse Print* available as free consumer resources. Your gift will be most appreciated.



Facebook Tracking Your In-Store Purchases (and How to Opt-Out)

facebook In a surprising revelation, Facebook is not only able to track your online purchases but with the help of brick and mortar stores knows what you buy in the physical world. Yikes! Retailers share your purchase information with Facebook and in turn the online giant can better target ads to you.

Don't Buy All the 5G Cell Service Hype

cellphone Over the past couple of weeks, T-Mobile and AT&T both announced the launch of 5G service. The services announced are limited to certain areas, and in AT&T's case, is only in a few cities. Secondly, despite being called "5G," these are not services that promise astronomical speeds that 5G will offer in the future. Lastly, there are very few cellphones that can receive 5G signals, and they are very expensive. Our advice: it is too early to join the 5G revolution.

NOTE: We only feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked, try a different browser and clear NYT cookies from it. Other newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

$5 off $15 FedEx Ground Shipment

Print this coupon and get $5 off a $15 Federal Express ground shipment. December 16 is the absolute deadline at FedEx for ground delivery by Christmas.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

2019 Holiday Gift Guide

Here is the annual Consumer Reports holiday gift guide with gift suggestions for every price range of items that have rated well in their tests.

More from Consumer Reports
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