Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of December 2, 2019 (see last week)   

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19 Tricks Your Car Mechanic May Try to Pull on You

car repairs Do you really know enough about cars to be able to recognize when a car repair shop is trying to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, maybe this list of ploys used by some mechanics to separate us from our money will help.

Credit Cards That Still Double the Manufacturer's Warranty

credit cards This past summer, Citi dropped a very valuable benefit from many of its credit cards - "extended warranty." American Express will be doing the same for some cards in January. If you are buying a major appliance, computer, TV, or other electronics items this benefit that doubles the manufacturer's warranty is invaluable. Here is a (partial) list of cards that still offer extended warranty protection. Call your card issuer to check too.

Please Help Support Consumer World

give support For 24 years, Consumer World has served readers with the latest consumer news, money-saving tips, and independent investigations. But we no longer receive financial support from a corporate sponsor. So reluctantly, MrConsumer turns to you and humbly asks for your help to keep this site and Mouse Print* available as free consumer resources. Your gift will be most appreciated.



Guide to Stop Companies From Tracking You Online

privacy Many people find it creepy to be visiting a website and then later on you are bombarded with ads for that very site. Here are some specific things you can do to help stop all these companies from tracking you online.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Hey Clif Bar, Where's the White Chocolate?

mouse print Little in product packaging is more annoying than a manufacturer saying or showing something on the front of the label, and then claiming the consumer is unreasonable to rely on that bold representation. Clif Bar does exactly that. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

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Bargain of the Week

Get an Extra 15% Off at 600 Stores on Cyber Monday

Deal Ended If you are shopping online for Cyber Monday, go to your favorite online store via the link to it at Ebates (now renamed Rakuten) to get an EXTRA 10% to 15% back in addition to the savings the store itself offers. New to Rakuten? Get an additional $10 for signing up after you spend $25. ++

August Smart Lock Pro + WiFi Module - Nearly Half Price

Sale Ended If you need a deadbolt door lock that you can operate via a cellphone, the August Smart Lock Pro with WiFi module is one good option. It uses your existing lock, but automatically (or on command) opens and closes it. It is nearly half the list price -- now only $149 -- for a short time directly from August and at other sellers. Keypad sold separately. Note: the non-Pro version is VERY noisy, so stick with this version.

Eero Whole House Mesh WiFi System - $159.99

Sale Ended Amazon is offering their three-device package of Eero's mesh WiFi system designed to cover 5,000 square feet. This is a bonafide $90 off the full price for a four-and-a-half star-rated product. May only be available a day or two longer.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

How to Solve Customer Service Problems Via Facebook and Twitter

If conventional complaining doesn't work, sometimes when you post your problem on a seller's social media account page, you can get action. Here are tips on how to use Facebook and Twitter to resolve your consumer complaint.

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