Consumer World

Week of April 8, 2019 (see last week)

Top Stories

How Financially Literate Are People in Your State?; Test Your Financial Smarts

smart guy WalletHub conducted a nationwide test of financial literacy and combined those results with data about Americans' spending and savings habits in each state. The result is a list of the most/least financially literate states. In addition, you can take the financial literacy test here (it is long, but valuable).

The Most Lucrative Store Loyalty Program is...

Shop Your Way The Wall Street Journal is calling Shop Your Way one of the most generous customer loyalty programs in America. You earn points mostly at Sears and Kmart (if you can find them) for buying things. Very often, you can get free merchandise with FREECASH added to your account, or offers like "buy $60 of clothing, get $60 in points back." The second most generous program is from Kohl's.



Freebies You Can Grab in April

free This week, Ben & Jerry's has its free cone day on the 9th. And later in the month, to celebrate National Pretzel Day, several national chains will be offering freebies too. Here are more freebies this month.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Sometimes Dental Discount Plans Can Be Cheaper Than Dental Insurance for Procedures

mouse print Major dental work can be both a pain in your mouth as well as your wallet. But just the way drug discount cards can save you money on prescriptions sometimes compared to using your insurance, so can dental discount plans. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Consumer World

NOTE: We only feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked, try a different browser and clear NYT and WashPost cookies from it. Other newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

Black Friday in April at Home Depot and Lowe's

Until the 10th at Lowe's and the 17th at Home Depot, it's Black Friday in April. It is the first big garden sale of the year, with 2 cubic foot bags of mulch for $2 at Home Depot. (Warning: the bags at Lowe's are only 1.5 cu. feet.)

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best Lower Calorie Ice Creams

If you're a vanilla ice cream fan, but don't want a lot of calories in that special treat, Consumer Reports picked its top five lower calorie vanilla ice creams and frozen yogurt.

More from Consumer Reports
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