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Mouse Print* -- Is This the Way to Give Workers a Bonus?
Many employees are facing tough economic times, so some employers are stepping up to help them with extra pay. One large retail chain is financing a bonus for its workers via an automatic surcharge on customers' bills. Is this right?
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Cheapest Gas in Decades But Nowhere To Go
Should You Wear Gloves When Grocery Shopping?
Many people are questioning how safe it is to shop in a crowded supermarket, and what type of protective gear you should have on. This story tries to answer the question about whether it is advisable to wear gloves at the grocery store.
The Sad Story of a Beloved Young Teacher Stricken With Coronavirus
In one of the most emotional interviews you will ever see, CNN's Erin Burnett spoke to a woman married to a beloved teacher who passed away because of COVID-19. Her simple message: Stay home. Get a tissue ready.
Play FTC Scam Bingo
If you're bored at home, you can play the FTC's new game "Scam Bingo." Put an "X" over every box if you have received one of the scams mentioned, such as for coronavirus cures, social security warnings, etc. Print your bingo card.
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FREE: 500+ Hours of HBO Shows Including McMillions
Using the HBO GO or HBO Now app or their respective websites, you can watch a number of HBO series and documentaries free of charge. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE FREE TRIAL. Offerings include McMillions -- the new documentary we have been recommending showing how the McDonald's Monopoly game was rigged for years.
Walgreens Expands Senior Day to Every Tuesday
Now every Tuesday, people 55+ can get 30% off the REGULAR price of non-sale Walgreens store brand items in store, or online by using promo code senior30 when you checkout. Remember shipping is now free on most items. Name brand items are 20% off.
Consumer Reports has come out with a list of the best car brands based on testing, customer surveys, crash tests, and reliability. Topping the rankings: Porsche!