Week of May 20, 2019 (see last week)
Top Stories
Here's How Long You'll Live (and How Many Years Will be Healthy Ones)
MrConsumer has enough Schick razor blades and Tresemme shampoo stocked up until he's 83 years old. But after taking this longevity evaluation, he may have to go and buy more. Seriously, a team of researchers at the Center for Actuarial Research at the University of Connecticut have come up with a free online tool to help determine how many healthy years you have ahead of you (followed by unhealthy years). They make no guarantees of accuracy of their predictions, but base their model on established principles and sources.
Generic Drugs Under Fire For Quality and Price
The New York Times reported last week that the quality of imported generic drugs from India has been questionable as revealed in surprise inspections of manufacturing facilities there. A new book, Bottle of Lies, points out how foreign generic drug factories are no match for the FDA. On top of that, 44 states, led by the Connecticut Attorney General earlier in the month filed antitrust lawsuits against 20 generic drug companies alleging a massive price fixing scheme. In some cases, generic drugs that had been dirt cheap skyrocketed in price by hundreds if not thousands of dollars. These are the same allegations presented in a 60 Minutes story last week.
How to Save Money After You're Dead!
Where you die can make a big difference in how much of your money goes to state taxes. Thirteen states charge estate taxes, and six others have inheritance taxes. In the case of inheritance taxes, it matters "who" inherits your money. Spouses may be exempt, for example. See if your state will have one hand in your wallet after you go.
Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- This Smartphone is Waterproof, Right?
A cellphone manufacturer is running a commercial where their latest phone is dropped into a bucket of water. Of course this conveys that the phone is waterproof or at least water resistant, right? The company says not so fast.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
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Bargain of the Week
SanDisk 1TB Solid State Drive - $89.99
If your hard drive is crawling along, maybe it's time to upgrade to a solid state drive (SSD) with no moving parts. People are amazed how much faster their computer operates with an SSD. This one terrabyte solid state drive from SanDisk is only $89.99. (MrConsumer has never seen one with this capacity under $100. Currently this SSD is almost $20 more at Amazon.) The reviews at MicroCenter are excellent. Pick it up at one of their stores, or pay $5.99 for shipping. MrConsumer, however, decided to splurge, and paid $114.99 for a Western Digital SSD with a five year (not three year) warranty, and slightly faster speeds. Of course, when it drops to $99, he won't be very happy.
6 packs of Annual Flowers - 99 cents
Until May 22, both Lowe's and Home Depot are advertising 6-paks of annuals for only 99 cents. Lowe's is showing petunias in the ad, while Home Depot is only offering impatiens and marigolds. Varieties and offers may vary by region in the US.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Buying Bottled Water Getting Complicated
The labels on bottled water are making more and more claims, and that is confusing to buyers. For example, what is alkaline water? Consumer Reports defines the various terms and tries to make sense of the growing label confusion.
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