Week of January 28, 2019 (see last week)
Top Stories
New Tests Reveal Best Cell Carrier Performance
Using data from over a million cellphones, OpenSignal just released its latest cell service test results. While T-Mobile had actually beaten Verizon in many categories in recent tests, Verizon Wireless has just taken back the lead. See how download/upload speeds, video experience, and lag times compare among the four big wireless carriers.
Quiz: Can You Spot the Phishy Emails?
Scam emails continue to trick recipients into forking over personal account information or allow wrongdoers to install malware on your computer. A Google project called Jigsaw, among other things, has developed this phishing quiz to see how good you are separating scam emails from legitimate ones.
More Than Books are Free at Your Local Public Library
Libraries offer an array of unexpected things in the digital age. You may be able to stream movies free ("Kanopy"), courtesy of your library card. Or read popular magazines online in their original printed format from home ("Zinio"). Or get online access to the Consumer Reports website for free from home. See more of these perks from your public library.
Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- Is Supermarket Zone Pricing Ripping You Off?
No one likes to overpay at the supermarket. But MrConsumer recently discovered that some fantastically priced sales items from his favorite supermarket were not being offered at his particular store location.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
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Bargain of the Week
Buy a $45 Sam's Club Membership, Get $45 Off Your First Purchase
For new Sam's Club members, buy a $45 membership and automatically get $45 off your first purchase of $45 of more made within 30 days of membership activation.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Best and Worst Hearing Aid Brands and Retailers
According to Consumer Reports readers, Kirkland brand hearing aids at Costco are top-rated. See which brands landed in the ratings basement. [Full ratings only available to subscribers.]
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