Consumer World

Week of August 5, 2019 (see last week)

Top Stories

2019-2020 Best Hospitals

hospitals U.S. News is out with their latest hospital ratings. Mayo Clinic leads the list followed by Mass. General and Johns Hopkins. Here are the top 20. For the best hospitals in your state, check the state list. For the best hospitals by medical speciality, check this list. Lastly, here is the list of best children's hospitals.

2019 Restaurant Extreme Eating Awards

scale The Center for Science in the Public Interest just unveiled its latest Extreme Eating awards. That is the dubious distinction given to some popular chain restaurants for dishes with a day's worth of calories in just one serving. For example, at the Cheesecake Factory, an order of just three cinnamon roll pancakes is over 2,000 calories!



2019 Tax-Free Holiday Dates

shopping bags A number of states just finished their tax-free weekends yesterday when no sales tax is charged. Here is a list of the rest of the states with upcoming sales tax holidays in August.

Travel Insurance Covers Less Than You Think

luggage Many travelers buy trip cancellation/interruption insurance in case they have to change or cancel their trip. The trouble is most policies you buy are "defined risk" meaning that only a narrow list of circumstances are covered (and since most consumers don't read the fine print in advance, they may well be surprised when their claim is denied). There is a type of travel insurance you can buy that covers many more types of issues, but you'll pay more for it.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Get 3% on Savings, and 3% Cash Back on Purchases... BUT

mouse print It sounds too good to be true: a very high interest savings account (3%) coupled with a 3% cash back debit card. What could be bad? Hint: the fine print. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

NOTE: We only feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked, try a different browser and clear NYT and WashPost cookies from it. Other newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

Dell Inspiron 3000 15.6" Laptop - $399.99

Back to school sales are in full swing. If you are in the market for a new laptop, Staples (in-store) is offering a Dell 15.6" laptop with i5 Intel processor (not the cheaper i3 but not the better i7) with 256 gig SSD (no moving parts hard drive), and 8 gigs of memory for $399.99. It has a full HD screen resolution. It does NOT have a CD drive. Warranty is mail-in only. Sale ends Saturday. See page 8 of their circular. You may be able to purchase this online, and use a dollars-off coupon to lower the price even more, but you will have to contact customer service or their sales line because the $399 price is not showing online.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

How to Stream Movies Free

There are so many streaming services these days it is hard to keep track. Fortunately, Consumer Reports created a mini-guide to some of these services that specialize in airing free movies.

More from Consumer Reports
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